Isom Lab Alumni

Thought leaders across the globe

Analize de sânge și de urină. Se verifică starea sistemului cardiovascular mergi la și endocrin, prezența diabetului sau a altor boli care afectează potența.

Where in the world are Isom Lab alumni?

We are using our scientific expertise in academia, industry, medicine, consulting, medical writing, scientific regulatory affairs, and public health, and are working in the United States, China, the UK, and Africa.

We’re proud to have trained at Michigan Pharmacology and whereever we go, we Go Blue!

EU:s läkemedelsexport till Ryssland ökade till 853 miljoner euro i mars 2022, och gick tillfälligt förbi kategorin industrimaskiner, på grund av farhågor om att sanktioner skulle kunna påverka leveranser av läkemedel från västvärlden. I slutet av juni ökade leveranserna av industriell utrustning från EU med 21 % jämfört med maj och uppgick till 1,12 miljarder euro, vilket är nästan en tredjedel mindre än för ett år sedan, men dubbelt så mycket som i mars och april. Exporten av läkemedel, som ökade med 6 % jämfört med föregående månad och 31,5 % jämfört med juni förra året, uppgick till 791 miljoner euro och är nu den näst största europeiska exporten till Ryssland per handelsnomenklaturgrupp (två tecken, totalt cirka 100).

Charles (Kachi) Anumonwo, M.S.

Charles (Kachi) Anumonwo, M.S.

Business Account Manager, Genedata Inc.
David S. Auerbach, PhD

David S. Auerbach, PhD

Assistant Professor, SUNY Upstate Medical University Department of Pharmacology
Veronica Beck, PhD

Veronica Beck, PhD

Milken Institute for Science and Health Policy, Washington, DC
Vandi Bharucha, PhD

Vandi Bharucha, PhD

Business Development at Life Technologies
Alexandra Bouza, PhD

Alexandra Bouza, PhD

Patent Agent in the Intellectual Property Department with Foley & Lardner LLP, San Diego, CA
Will Brackenbury, PhD

Will Brackenbury, PhD

Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences, University of York
Sabrina Bramson

Sabrina Bramson

Biopsychology, Cognition, and Neuroscience Graduate from the University of Michigan
Jeff Calhoun, PhD

Jeff Calhoun, PhD

Research Assistant Professor, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Heather Carleton-Romer, PhD

Heather Carleton-Romer, PhD

Chief, Enteric Diseases Laboratory Branch at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Angela Carter, PhD

Angela Carter, PhD

Research Scientist II at Astellas Pharma US
Tigwa Davis, PhD

Tigwa Davis, PhD

Senior Director, Health Economics and Outcomes Research, Inovalon
Nick Denomme, PhD

Nick Denomme, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University
Travis Dickendesher, PhD

Travis Dickendesher, PhD

Principal Medical Science Director, Neurological Rare Disease, US Medical Affairs, Genentech, San Francisco Bay Area
Nnamdi Edokobi, PhD

Nnamdi Edokobi, PhD

Patent Agent, Choate, Patent AgentPatent Agent Dechert LLP, Chicago
Amanda Fein, PhD

Amanda Fein, PhD

Sr. Director, Global Regulatory Lead at Merck
Chad Frasier, PhD

Chad Frasier, PhD

Assistant Professor, East Tennessee State University College of Medicine
Ward Ghazi, MS

Ward Ghazi, MS

Medical Student, St. George Medical School
Ian Herzberg, PhD

Ian Herzberg, PhD

Business Development Manager at Malvern Panalytical ,Valley Stream, New York
Samantha Hodges, PhD

Samantha Hodges, PhD

Senior Medical Writer, Regulatory Strategic Writing, at AbbVie
Veena (Thyagarajan) Hoffman, MPH

Veena (Thyagarajan) Hoffman, MPH

Director of Epidemiology at RTI Health Solutions
Jacob Hull, PhD

Jacob Hull, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University
Margaret Jameson, MS

Margaret Jameson, MS

Life Sciences Analyst at EmPartners, Chicago
Amanda (Kleeman) Joseph, MS

Amanda (Kleeman) Joseph, MS

Principal at American Family Ventures, New York
Daniel Kashima, M.D., Ph.D.

Daniel Kashima, M.D., Ph.D.

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Jae Hyun Kim, M.S.

Jae Hyun Kim, M.S.

Chante Liu, M.S.

Chante Liu, M.S.

PhD student, University of Michigan Department of Pharmacology
Larisa G. Kruger, PhD

Larisa G. Kruger, PhD

Medical/Science Writer
Jyoti Malhotra, PhD

Jyoti Malhotra, PhD

Executive Director at Sarepta Therapeutics Cambridge, Massachusetts
Priscilla Kolibea Mante, PhD

Priscilla Kolibea Mante, PhD

Associate Professor, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
Dyke P. McEwen, PhD

Dyke P. McEwen, PhD

Research Lab Specialist Senior, University of Michigan Department of Pharmacology
Lawrence Meadows, PhD

Lawrence Meadows, PhD

Strategic Partnerships Manager, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada
Joe Minton, MS

Joe Minton, MS

Neuroscience Graduate Student, Northwestern University
Chloe Moore

Chloe Moore

Jim Offord, Ph.D.

Jim Offord, Ph.D.

Research Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, University of Michigan, Deceased
Gustavo A. Patino, MD, PhD

Gustavo A. Patino, MD, PhD

Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine
Larissa Robinson-Cooper

Larissa Robinson-Cooper

Graduate Student, Neuroscience, University of Washington
Caroline Scheuing

Caroline Scheuing

Graduate Student, Stanford University
Emily Slat, MD, PhD

Emily Slat, MD, PhD

Psychiatrist, Movement Disorder Center, Washington University in St. Louis
Zoey Tang, M.S.

Zoey Tang, M.S.

Graduate student in the Division of Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Therapeutics, UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy
Jesse Winters, PhD

Jesse Winters, PhD

Research Fellow, Psychiatry, University of Michigan Medical School
Kaylin White, MS

Kaylin White, MS

PhD student in Epidemiology at Emory School of Medicine
Yanting Zhao, Ph.D.

Yanting Zhao, Ph.D.

Data analyst, Statistical Programmer. SAS Programmer, Kaiser Permanente, Los Angeles, CA
Xujia Zhou, MS

Xujia Zhou, MS

PhD student, UCSF